You are here: Modules > Calendars / Attendance > About the Calendars Module

About the Calendars Module

The Calendars module enables you to:

  • Review your own calendar. (You can view your calendar by day or by week.)
  • View the calendars of other staff and pupils.
    For example, as a member of staff, you can quickly find a pupil's location, or where they are supposed to be, and where they were last.
  • Undertake actions against calendar items, including:
    • Take attendance.
    • Enter marks.
    • Access mark inquiry information.
    • Access subject set data.
    • Create tasks.

Example: For example, the screenshot below shows the options available for the 'English Language Set 11A' calendar item.
Calendar Example

Note: If the home page has been configured to include the Calendar widget, then you are also able to view your daily calendar on the home page.

Note: If you wish to print a hard copy of your calendar, you need to use schoolADMIN (PASS).

Note: By default, the Calendar screen displays 'All' timetables. You are able to use the Display registration/break periods from timetable drop list to narrow the timetables displayed. (Within schoolADMIN (PASS) you are able to set up multiple timetables.)